Tuesday, June 1, 2010

AMAZING: Hippo Gum Ball!

I recently received a gift from aunt. It was....a Hippo Gum Ball! Isn't that amazing!? The only bad thing is is that I can't eat it, yet it looks delicious :) I could never chomp down on a hippo...I would be heart broken. Here he is...he's adorable!! (Sorry, it's kind of blurry...)

He reminds me of the Hippo Cake....:)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tamus and Bunbun's Saturday...

You know Tamus, now you should meet his friend, Bunbun. They spent their Saturday at the Alviso Adobe, went out to breakfast, and bought some chocolate. Awesome!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thought of Thursday (Instead of Wordless Wednesday)

So, what is the thought of Thursday, you ask?

If I were a hippo, I would have four toes, I would be about 8,000 pounds, and I would swim all day. ~It's the Life~ :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

One Rockin' Hippo!

I recently got a miniature Harley Davidson. It is the perfect size of my little hippo, of whom I named Tamus. Here you can see the cool hippo!

Yeah, He's AWESOME.

You're not a hippo lover until you get your DOG a hippo toy!

Here is my dog, Misty, with her new Hippo toy.

Here you can see my "Hippo Art" I encourage all you hippo lovers to experiment with hippos and art together :) This can be a planter box, or anything you want it to be in box form! (Yeah, I made this.) :)

Here you can see the hippo up close.

Here you can see the house with my other hippos...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hippos! Hippos! Hurray!

Hurray for Hippos! I just found this really cool website called Everything Hippo!! It's a little unique gift store located in Hutto, Texas. I really really want to go there some day!

This is their store:

Here's some cool stuff on the website:

Oh my Goodness! This is AMAZING!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Hippos are not endangered, yet vulnerable, meaning they could become endangered very soon. Lions are also vulnerable.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

#1 Hippo Blog Follower: Green Gal!

Congrats to Green Gal for being the #1 Hippo Blog Follower! She received the first 'Hippo Hello'

One Committed Hippo Lover!

How committed are you to being a hippo lover? Think you're better than me? Think twice! Here is my hippo collection

So, are you a better hippo lover than me?

How to draw a Hippo

Break out the paper and the pencil, I'm gonna show you how to draw a hippo! (Click on each picture to make it bigger)

Step 1. Draw three circles like so.

Step 2. Add in these circles like so.
Step 3. Then, erase all lines that don't need to be there.

Finally, Step 4. Add in the face, and any other things you would like (Color, back legs, ect...)

And that's one way you can draw a hippo!

Fat Herbivores?

Even though hippos weigh about 8,000 lbs, they are herbivores.

Big Birthday Surprise!

For my 14th birthday, I had a BIG surprise...A hippo cake!

OH MY GOSH!! It was amazing. :-)
Hippos are so awesome--they weigh about 8,000 lbs!

Welcome, Hippo Lovers!

Welcome all lovers of chubby hippos! This is a blog of, well, everything hippo! Hope you enjoy it!